Hard Chromium Plating: The Quality That Makes It Different From Nickel Plating

The two popular plating used for coating several objects are nickel coating and hard chrome plating. Both of these elements have many qualities that make them a popular choice for coating over objects. They are both touch and make the object more durable due to the strong coating. They also make them more resistant to wear and tear. Bothe metals are corrosion proof in nature. However, nickel has higher resistance to moisture than chrome.

The main difference between the two is the toughness and the colour. As mentioned above, hard chrome plate is stronger than nickel. It is also grey in colour as opposed to nickel which is slightly yellow. Due to these properties, hard chrome is usually used for metals, kitchen ware, factory machines, etc. And nickel, due to its delicate colour, is used for cutlery, crockery and other decorative material.

For information about the best and most affordable hard chrome suppliers, visit http://ast.net.au


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