What Is Hard Chroming?

Hard chrome is used to reduce friction, improve durability through abrasion tolerance and wear resistance in general, minimize galling or seizing of parts, expand chemical inertness to include a broader set of conditions and bulking material for worn parts to restore their original dimensions.Hard chrome tends to be thicker than decorative chrome with standard thicknesses in non-salvage applications. Hard chroming is an electrolytic process utilizing a chromic acid based electrolyte.The part is made the cathode and with the passage of a DC current via lead anodes, chromium metal builds on the component surface. A wide variety of parts can be coated with hard chromed plating.It requires only the proper fixturing, a large enough bath, sufficient lifting capacity and adequate power sources.Hard chrome plating offers many attractive properties to the engineer.You can find few companies that provide efficient hard chrome plating at an affordable price. For more information an...