What Are The Industrial Uses Of Hard Chrome Rod
The use of chromed plating in many industries have been on the rise. Engineers prefer the plating as it reduces the friction among the joints of the machine and it brings out easy performance as well. There have been many innovations in the field as well, since its inception. The use of hard chromed plating is highly recommended by all engineers for any sort of plating for any industry. The two usual type of chrome plating in the market that they recommend are: hexavalent chromium and trivalent chromium. The main ingredient on the hexavalent chromium is chromic anhydride. One the other hand the use trivalent chromium has been very wide. It is mainly used in the production of stainless steel, textile dyes, wood preservation, leather tanning and anti corrosion purpose as well. The hard chrome rod used for these purpose are state of the art and they are available for any industry that wants to use it. The other factor of chromium plating is the thickness of it. There have been ...