Hard Chroming Process: Safety Measures To Be Followed During The Process
For several reasons such as strength, increased durability, corrosion free, etc objects are electroplated with a thin layer of chrome using the hard chroming process. The range of products this is used upon ranges from decorative articles to gigantic metal pipes. Here are a few safety measures one must follow during the process. • It is important to understand that the chrome acidic solution can corrode humans. Therefore at all times, you must have a first aid box and an emergency hospital number on your speed dial. • The chrome acid also tends to catch on fire very easily on combustion with other elements. Therefore your room must always equip with fireproofing equipment. • It is quite understandable given the dangerous nature of the chrome that you have to keep it out of direct contact at all times and never inhale the fumes. • It is imperative to wear the safety gear that involves masks, heavy duty gloves, body gear, etc during the hard chrome process...